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ICBPC Takes Stage at the 18th China Primatological Society Meeting

Experts Discuss the Role of Big Data in Chinese Primate Research

Huang Zhipang


From August 19 to 22, 2024, the annual meeting of the China Primatological Society, a branch of the Chinese Zoological Society, was held in Zhengzhou. This year's theme, "Chinese Primates in the Context of Big Data," drew over 180 experts and scholars from leading institutions across China, including Zhengzhou University, Northwest University, Sichuan University, Yunnan University, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Southwest Forestry University, Dali and its Institute of Eastern-Himalaya Biodiversity research.


Prof. Huang Zhipang and Prof. Cyril C. Grueter from the International Centre of Biodiversity and Primate Conservation (ICBPC) were prominent attendees. Prof. Grueter delivered a keynote address titled "The Role of Primate Ornaments in Extra-Group Signaling." In his presentation, he explored how visually conspicuous secondary sexual traits in male primates, such as enlarged canines or colorful fur, can serve as signals of individual identity, rank, or attractiveness within complex social structures. These ornaments may also play a crucial role in assessing competition for resources and mating opportunities.

The conference featured three special reports covering primate evolutionary biology and genetics, primate ecology, behavior and adaptation, and primate conservation biology and experimental primates. Through in-depth discussions and knowledge sharing, the meeting aimed to enhance the level of primatology research and promote the development of primate protection in China.

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